Arpana G.

BS Human Sciences | University College London

Arpana Giritharan earned her bachelor's degree in human sciences from University College London in 2021. She is a research assistant at Columbia Climate School, exploring the landscape of blue carbon opportunities. Previously, she was a policy adviser at Green Alliance, a think tank in Westminster, London focused on ambitious political leadership for the environment, where she worked in the ‘Greening the Economy' theme with a focus on green finance and green jobs. She has worked as a research assistant at the UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources on carbon offsetting and greenwashing. After her undergraduate degree, she was selected for the Molchanov Sustainability Internship at Chatham House (The Royal Institute for International Affairs) where her work focused on climate diplomacy. Additionally, Arpana has worked at UNEP-WCMC on sustainable land-use finance and Oceanswell on marine conservation and fisheries. She volunteered as a Science on a Sphere® Facilitator at the Science Museum in London over the last two years, educating visitors on ocean acidification. Arpana is from Colombo, Sri Lanka.